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Live Seminars




Whether you want to own the room or improve communication, these seminars meet your needs!

For further information about the individual seminars please go here:




  • You want to WOW! your audience?

  • You want to communicate your message in such a way that the those around you enthusiastically support you and your ideas?

  • You want to be taken seriously, own the room, and succeed?

  • You want ot remain calm, centered, and focused even in difficult situations?

Laura Baxter, opera singer and performance expert, brings her experiences as opera singer, actor, stage director and trainer together to guide you to master the art of performing. In these seminars, we not only focus on the voice and body language, but also delve into the deepest mental training techniques. You will intensely train your voice to be flexible, healthy and strong, explore  the techniques an actor uses to master the owning the room, and remain calm, focused and mentally alert for any situation.


Own the Room!

Owning the room is about Presence, having an inner and outer strength that makes you unstoppable and irresistible. Through an intense course in mental training, voice training and body language, you will be mentally and physically ready to take on the most difficult of situations. You will be able to remain calm under stress, convincing in your arguments, and motivating to those who need you to be strong.

The Voice

Why train the voice? According to the Karmasin Motivation Research in Austria, a trained voice conveys authority, assertiveness, credibility and competence. Picture this: You come into a meeting and there, standing directly in front of you, is a beautiful woman dressed to the nines. She is wearing a beautiful Armani suit and Gucci shoes and is beautifully styled. You go to her to introduce yourself, and, all of sudden, she says hello in a high-pitched voice that reminds you of Minnie Mouse! It is difficult to take her seriously.

Emotions, competence and authority are conveyed through the voice, and no matter how well-dressed or well-educated a person is, if the voice doesn't show it, we don't accept the person as an authority.

The Body Language

Haven't we already learned everything there is to know about body language? Maybe. Maybe not. Countless studies have shown that the body language is the most influential aspect of communication. To understand how body language works is to master the art of communication. In this seminar we will approach body language as an actor approaches it: from the inside out! You will learn techniques that actors use while preparing for the stage to help you BE confident and convincing. To assure that your body and voice are in tune with each other to succeed!



The Voice for Leadership Trailer

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